MOXXI's friends actively participate in the working group by attending meetings and proposing initiatives.
Please contact Flavia Tauro for joining the working group.
João Abrantes | University of Coimbra | Portugal |
Tommaso Abrate | World Meteorological Organization | Switzerland |
Paola Allamano | Polytechnic University of Turin | Italy |
Francesco Avanzi | University of California, Berkeley | USA |
Hassan Awada | University of Palermo | Italy |
Roger Bailey | British Standards and CEN committees on Hydrometry | UK |
Filippo Bandini | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
Gabriele Baroni | University of Bologna | Italy |
Paul Bates | University of Bristol | UK |
Jerome Benveniste | European Space Agency | Italy |
Nicolas Bercher | Along Track | France |
François Birgand | North Carolina State University | USA |
Theresa Blume | Helmholtz Center Potsdam | Germany |
Heye Bogena | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany |
Jean-Pierre Bricquet | Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) | France |
Luca Brocca | IRPI - National Research Council | Italy |
Domenico Capolongo | University of Bari | Italy |
Elisa Casella | Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology | Germany |
William Castaings | Tenevia | France |
Attilio Castellarin | University of Bologna | Italy |
Kelly Caylor | University of California, Santa Barbara | USA |
Paul Celicourt | SENSAQ, LLC | USA |
Serena Ceola | University of Bologna | Italy |
Giuseppe Ciraolo | University of Palermo | Italy |
Ed Clayton | University of Auckland | Australia |
Miriam Coenders | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Matteo Colli | University of Genova | Italy |
Chiara Corbari | Polytechnic of Milan | Italy |
Edwin A. Cowen | Cornell University | USA |
Alan DeCiantis | Forest Technology Systems | Canada |
Alfred de Jager | European Commission DG Joint Research Centre |
Italy |
João Pedroso de Lima | University of Coimbra | Portugal |
Jerker Delsing | Lulea University of Technology | Sweden |
Davide De Luca | University of Calabria | Italy |
Carlo De Michele | Polytechnic of Milan | Italy |
Francesco De Paola | University of Naples Federico II | Italy |
Alessio Domeneghetti | University of Bologna | Italy |
Jon Duncan | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | USA |
Anette Eltner | TU-Dresden | Germany |
Lyndon Estes | Princeton University | USA |
Joan Estrany | University of Balearic Islands | Spain |
Simon Etter | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
Nick Everard | Environment Agency | UK |
Pierre Fabry | Along Track | France |
Maria Clara Fava | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil |
Laura Fois | University of Cagliari | Italy |
John W. Fulton | U. S. Geological Survey | USA |
Xurxo Gago | University of Balearic Islands | Spain |
Flavio Gattari | Telespazio | Italy |
Virginie Girard | Freelancer | France |
Thomas Gräff | University of Potsdam | Germany |
Salvatore Grimaldi | University of Tuscia | Italy |
Uwe Haberlandt | Leibniz University of Hannover | Germany |
Ofer Hadar | Ben-Gurion University | Israel |
Sibylle Hassler | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
Alexandre Hauet | EDF - DTG Dpt. Surveillance Développement Mesures Méthodes |
France |
Ingo Heidbüchel | Helmholtz Centre Potsdam | Germany |
Markus Hrachowitz | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Rolf Hut | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Erika Denise Johnson | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA |
Branko Kerkez | University of Michigan | USA |
Sung Yong Kim | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Korea |
Cécile M. M. Kittel | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
Edouard Konzi Panise Siamo | Université pédagogique nationale | Congo |
Anton Kruger | University of Iowa | USA |
Venkat Lakshmi | University of South Carolina | USA |
Jonathan Laronne | Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Israel |
Jérôme Le Coz | IRSTEA | France |
Käthi Liechti | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research | Switzerland |
Willem Luxemburg | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Antonino Maltese | University of Palermo | Italy |
Feng Mao | University of Birmingham | UK |
Salvatore Manfreda | University of Basilicata | Italy |
Núria Martínez-Carreras | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg |
Marc Mayes | Brown University | USA |
E. Mario Mendiondo | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil |
Nils Michelsen | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany |
Tommaso Moramarco | IRPI - National Research Council | Italy |
Vsevolod Moreydo | Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Water Problems | Russia |
Katie Muchan | NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology | UK |
Babar Mujtaba | University of Coimbra | Portugal |
Marian Muste | University of Iowa | USA |
Fernando Nardi | University for Foreigners Perugia | Italy |
Tomasz Niedzielski | University of Wroclaw | Poland |
Valerio Noto | University of Palermo | Italy |
Antonio Novelli | Polytechnic University of Bari | Italy |
Gloria Passarello | Randbee Consultants | Spain |
Antoine Patalano | National University of Cordoba | Argentina |
Sophie Pearce | University of Worcester | UK |
Salvador Peña | Phototrack AG | Switzerland |
Matthew Perks | Newcastle University | UK |
Joshua M. Peschel | Iowa State University | USA |
Andrea Petroselli | University of Tuscia | Italy |
Laurent Pfister | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Luxembourg |
Michael Piasecki | The City College of New York | USA |
Alonso Pizarro | University of Basilicata | Italy |
Maurizio Porfiri | New York University | USA |
Ehsan Rabiei | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Germany |
Alberto Refice | ISSIA - National Research Council | Italy |
Camilo Ernesto Restrepo Estrada | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil |
Jesús Revuelto Benedí | Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología | Spain |
Elena Ridolfi | University of Perugia | Italy |
Alessio Rovere | University of Bremen | Germany |
Claudia Ruz Vargas | International Groundwater Centre | Netherlands |
Caterina Samela | University of Basilicata | Italy |
Melody Sandells | CORES Science and Engineering Limited | UK |
Hannes Sardemann | TU-Dresden | Germany |
Stephan Schulz | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany |
Andreas H. Schumann | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany |
Guy Schumann | Remote Sensing Solutions, Inc./University of Bristol | USA/UK |
Tobias Schütz | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Seth A. Schweitzer | Cornell University | USA |
Jan Seibert | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
John Selker | Oregon State University | USA |
Eylon Shamir | Hydrologic Research Center | USA |
Andreas Steiner | Federal Department of Foreign Affairs | Switzerland |
Bocar Sy | University of Geneve | Switzerland |
Flavia Tauro | University of Tuscia | Italy |
Taichi Tebakari | Toyama Prefectural University | Japan |
Ahmet Emre Tekeli | Cankiri Karatekin University | Turkey |
Philipp Thumser | I Am Hydro | Germany |
Ryota Tsubaki | Nagoya University | Japan |
Jeffrey A. Tuhtan | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia |
Remko Uijlenhoet | Wageningen University | Netherlands |
Nick van de Giesen | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
Katrien van Eerdenbrugh | Ghent University | Belgium |
Tim van Emmerik | Delft University | Netherlands |
Ilja van Meerveld | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
Marcelle Vargas | University of Coimbra | Portugal |
Y. Jun Xu | Louisiana State University | USA |
Ashley Webb | WaterNSW | Australia |
Steven Weijs | University of British Columbia | Canada |
Markus Weiler | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Andy Wickert | University of Minnesota | USA |
Atsuhiro Yorozuya | Public Works Research Institute | Japan |
Massimiliano Zappa | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research | Switzerland |