MOXXI's friends actively participate in the working group by attending meetings and proposing initiatives.

Please contact Flavia Tauro for joining the working group.


João Abrantes University of Coimbra Portugal
Tommaso Abrate World Meteorological Organization Switzerland
Paola Allamano Polytechnic University of Turin Italy
Francesco Avanzi University of California, Berkeley USA
Hassan Awada University of Palermo Italy
Roger Bailey British Standards and CEN committees on Hydrometry UK
Filippo Bandini Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Gabriele Baroni University of Bologna Italy
Paul Bates University of Bristol UK
Jerome Benveniste European Space Agency Italy
Nicolas Bercher Along Track France
François Birgand North Carolina State University USA
Theresa Blume Helmholtz Center Potsdam Germany
Heye Bogena Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany
Jean-Pierre Bricquet Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) France
Luca Brocca IRPI - National Research Council Italy
Domenico Capolongo University of Bari Italy
Elisa Casella Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Germany
William Castaings Tenevia France
Attilio Castellarin University of Bologna Italy
Kelly Caylor University of California, Santa Barbara USA
Paul Celicourt SENSAQ, LLC USA
Serena Ceola University of Bologna Italy
Giuseppe Ciraolo University of Palermo Italy
Ed Clayton University of Auckland Australia
Miriam Coenders Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Matteo Colli University of Genova Italy
Chiara Corbari Polytechnic of Milan Italy
Edwin A. Cowen Cornell University USA
Alan DeCiantis Forest Technology Systems Canada
Alfred de Jager European Commission
DG Joint Research Centre
João Pedroso de Lima University of Coimbra Portugal
Jerker Delsing Lulea University of Technology Sweden
Davide De Luca University of Calabria Italy
Carlo De Michele Polytechnic of Milan Italy
Francesco De Paola University of Naples Federico II Italy
Alessio Domeneghetti     University of Bologna Italy
Jon Duncan University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
Anette Eltner TU-Dresden Germany
Lyndon Estes Princeton University USA
Joan Estrany University of Balearic Islands Spain
Simon Etter University of Zurich Switzerland
Nick Everard Environment Agency UK
Pierre Fabry Along Track France
Maria Clara Fava Universidade de São Paulo  Brazil
Laura Fois University of Cagliari Italy
John W. Fulton U. S. Geological Survey USA
Xurxo Gago University of Balearic Islands Spain
Flavio Gattari Telespazio Italy
Virginie Girard Freelancer France
Thomas Gräff University of Potsdam Germany
Salvatore Grimaldi University of Tuscia Italy
Uwe Haberlandt Leibniz University of Hannover Germany
Ofer Hadar Ben-Gurion University Israel
Sibylle Hassler Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
Alexandre Hauet EDF - DTG Dpt. Surveillance
Développement Mesures Méthodes
Ingo Heidbüchel Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Germany
Markus Hrachowitz Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Rolf Hut Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Erika Denise Johnson Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution USA
Branko Kerkez University of Michigan USA
Sung Yong Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea
Cécile M. M. Kittel Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Edouard Konzi Panise Siamo Université pédagogique nationale Congo
Anton Kruger University of Iowa USA
Venkat Lakshmi University of South Carolina USA
Jonathan Laronne Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel
Jérôme Le Coz IRSTEA France
Käthi Liechti Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Switzerland
Willem Luxemburg         Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Antonino Maltese University of Palermo Italy
Feng Mao University of Birmingham UK
Salvatore Manfreda University of Basilicata Italy
Núria Martínez-Carreras Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Luxembourg
Marc Mayes Brown University USA
E. Mario Mendiondo Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
Nils Michelsen Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany
Tommaso Moramarco IRPI - National Research Council Italy
Vsevolod Moreydo Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Water Problems Russia
Katie Muchan NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology UK
Babar Mujtaba University of Coimbra Portugal
Marian Muste University of Iowa USA
Fernando Nardi University for Foreigners Perugia Italy
Tomasz Niedzielski University of Wroclaw Poland
Valerio Noto University of Palermo Italy
Antonio Novelli Polytechnic University of Bari Italy
Gloria Passarello Randbee Consultants Spain
Antoine Patalano National University of Cordoba Argentina
Sophie Pearce University of Worcester UK
Salvador Peña Phototrack AG Switzerland
Matthew Perks Newcastle University UK
Joshua M. Peschel Iowa State University USA
Andrea Petroselli University of Tuscia Italy
Laurent Pfister Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Luxembourg
Michael Piasecki The City College of New York USA
Alonso Pizarro University of Basilicata Italy
Maurizio Porfiri New York University USA
Ehsan Rabiei Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany
Alberto Refice ISSIA - National Research Council Italy
Camilo Ernesto Restrepo Estrada Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
Jesús Revuelto Benedí Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología Spain
Elena Ridolfi University of Perugia Italy
Alessio Rovere University of Bremen Germany
Claudia Ruz Vargas International Groundwater Centre Netherlands
Caterina Samela University of Basilicata Italy
Melody Sandells CORES Science and Engineering Limited UK
Hannes Sardemann TU-Dresden Germany
Stephan Schulz Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany
Andreas H. Schumann Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany
Guy Schumann Remote Sensing Solutions, Inc./University of Bristol USA/UK
Tobias Schütz University of Freiburg Germany
Seth A. Schweitzer Cornell University USA
Jan Seibert University of Zurich Switzerland
John Selker Oregon State University USA
Eylon Shamir Hydrologic Research Center USA
Andreas Steiner Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Switzerland
Bocar Sy University of Geneve Switzerland
Flavia Tauro University of Tuscia Italy
Taichi Tebakari Toyama Prefectural University Japan
Ahmet Emre Tekeli Cankiri Karatekin University Turkey
Philipp Thumser I Am Hydro Germany
Ryota Tsubaki Nagoya University Japan
Jeffrey A. Tuhtan Tallinn University of Technology Estonia
Remko Uijlenhoet Wageningen University Netherlands
Nick van de Giesen Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Katrien van Eerdenbrugh Ghent University Belgium
Tim van Emmerik Delft University Netherlands
Ilja van Meerveld University of Zurich Switzerland
Marcelle Vargas University of Coimbra Portugal
Y. Jun Xu Louisiana State University USA
Ashley Webb WaterNSW Australia
Steven Weijs University of British Columbia Canada
Markus Weiler University of Freiburg Germany
Andy Wickert University of Minnesota USA
Atsuhiro Yorozuya Public Works Research Institute Japan
Massimiliano Zappa Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Switzerland
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