Special Issues & Publications


3) 2021-ongoing  Guest Editing of a Special Issue on Frontiers in Water on the topic “Advancing Sociohydrology: innovative sensing, observing, measuring and analysing human water data” More info HERE  

2) 2020-ongoing)
 Hydrological Sciences Journal Virtual Special Issue on "Advancing socio-hydrology: a synthesis of coupled human–water systems across disciplines" Edited by HSJ Co-editor, Stacey Archfield. Registered Guest Editor: Saket Pande. Papers are welcome from CANDHY-related research on "Big data/citizen science". Launched in november 2018. More info and importante dates HERE 

1) 2018-2020) Hydrological Sciences Journal Special Issue on “Hydrological Data: Opportunities and Barriers” Managing Guest Editor, Christophe Cudennec . More info HERE

CANDHY Community Papers

2) [Work in progress]
If you want to be part of the next CANDHY community paper become a CANDHY friend and join us

Fernando Nardi, Christophe Cudennec, Tommaso Abrate, Candice Allouch, Antonio Annis, Thaine Herman Assumpção, Alice H. Aubert, Dominique Berod, Alessio Maria Braccini, Wouter Buytaert, Antara Dasgupta, David M. Hannah, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Maria J. Polo, Øystein Sæbø, Jan Seibert, Flavia Tauro, Florian Teichert, Rita Teutonico, Stefan Uhlenbrook, Cristina Wahrmann Vargas & Salvatore Grimaldi (2020) Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1849707

 page last update: june 24th, 2021

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