
Upcoming CandHy events:

04.2021 EGU General Assembly: CANDHY co-organized the session Session - Innovative sensing techniques for water monitoring, modelling, and management: Satellites, gauges and citizens Vienna (Convener: Thaine H. Assumpção; Co-conveners:, Wouter Buytaert, Serena Ceola, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Fernando Nardi).

09.21 DELFT CONFERENCE ON SOCIOHYDROLOGY | 6-8 SEPTEMBER 2021- CANDHY will be organizing a conference session and leading the Guest Editing of a Special Issue on Frontiers in Water on the topic “Advancing Sociohydrology: innovative sensing, observing, measuring and analysing human water data”


  • 2020.1) 2020 EGU General Assembly: CANDHY co-organized the session Session H3.2 - Innovative sensing techniques for water monitoring, modelling, and management: Satellites, gauges and citizens Vienna (Convener: Fernando Nardi; Co-conveners: Thaine H. Assumpção, Wouter Buytaert, Serena Ceola, Maurizio Mazzoleni).
  • 2019.2) inter-association symposium at 2019 Montreal IUGG Assembly. JH05 - CITIZEN SCIENCE AND CROWDSOURCED DATA IN HYDROLOGY FOR WATER RISK MANAGEMENT, COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS (IAHS). General website is while session info are available at
  • 2019.1) MOXXI, CANDHY, WMO Hydrohub, & CUAHSI Joint Conference “Innovation In Hydrometry: Overcoming Barriers To Operationalization” – New York, USA (March 11-13, 2019). More info at the dedicated MOXXI page HERE
  • 2018.5) Participation to the "Leveraging Social Media, Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science, and Emerging Technologies for Robust Scientific Understanding and Hazard Response II eLightning" session. Venue: AGU FALL Meeting, Washington DC. Date: Tuesday, 11 December 2018 13:40 - 15:40. More info HERE
  • 2018.4) 2nd International Conference on "Citizen Observatories for natural hazards and Water Management" Venue: Venice, Italy. Date: November 27-30, 2018. More info HERE
  • 2018.3) SMIRES workshop on Citizen Science. Venue: JRC headquarter, Ispra (Italy). Date: 27-28 November. More info HERE
  • 2018.2) International Workshop: Open/Big Data and Citizen Science for Managing the Water, Food, Energy and Environment Nexus (Perugia, Italy) Venue: UNESCO WWAP, Headquarter, Colombella (Perugia, Italy). Date: November 22nd, 2018. More info HERE
  • 2018.1) CandHy IceBreaker event at EGU General Assembly 2018 a social event to get the sharing of ideas and networking started for CandHy friends and anyone interested in the “Citizen & Hydrology” topic. Venue: EGU 2018, Vienna, Austria; Date: April 11th, 2018

 page last update: june 24th, 2021
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