Working groups differ from Commissions in that they are temporary initiatives that run for a specific amount of time, sometimes up to a decade on a specific topic.

Chairs of IAHS Working Groups

Panta Rhei Heidi Kreibich Germany
MOXXI Flavia Tauro Italy
CandHy Fernando Nardi Italy
Early Career Scientists Michelle Newcomer USA

Current IAHS Working groups

Current IAHS Committees

Former IAHS Working groups

    • Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB)
    • The Electronic Geophysical Year, 2007-2008
    • Hydrology 2020 Working Group
    • IAHS/WMO Working Group for GEWEX
    • Hydrometeorological Projects, integrated to ICCLAS (Melbourne GA)
    • IAHS Task Force on the Use of GRACE Data, integrated to ICRS (Melbourne GA)
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