Scientific Decades
IAHS has coordinated two scientific decades, which set the research agenda worldwide through collaborative forces.
2003 - 2012: Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)
2013 - 2022: Panta Rhei — Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society
2023 - 2032: Science for solutions: Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)
The overall aim with a scientific decade is to accumulate knowledge and streamline the efforts so that coherent engagement, sharing and focus accelerate scientific knowledge and understanding of a specific hydrological problem or phenomena. It stimulates vivid discussions between young and senior scientists globally.
Topic for the Next IAHS decade
After two successful decades, IAHS want to once more boost the community through launching a third topic for collaborative efforts in hydrological sciences: HELPING, created through a participatory community process and by applying strategic planning.
Please contribute to the process and suggest a Working Group here and Sign Up to join one here (opening soon).
Time plan for the process:
- 10 December 2022 - 20 January 2023: online forum for suggesting topics
- 1 - 3 February: workshop in Córdoba, Spain + parallel online meetings (view the Outcome Document here)
- 20 February - 1 March: Survey on members engagement
- 15 March: first draft of a Concept Note on the IAHS website
- 16 March - 28 April: online forum open for suggesting Actions for The New Decade
- 27 April: 2 splinter meetings at EGU in Vienna, Austria (Room 2.38)
- 29 April: 1 day workshop in Vienna, Austria. Click here for the outcome document
- 15 May - 30 June: open call for working groups and proposal for the new graphical logo of the decade
- 1 July: first version of the Strategic Plan published on the IAHS website
- 1 July - 10 July: online forum open for commenting the Strategic Plan
- 11 - 20 July: Launching the new Scientific decade at the IUGG General Assembly in Berlin
- Autumn 2023: Identification of working groups and actions with new Bureau meeting in December.