
Besides running a scientific journal (HSJ) and publishing proceedings (PIAHS), IAHS offers an inclusive environment for scientific-knowledge exchange in hydrology - by arranging conferences, meetings, collaborative publications (reviews, synthesis, opinion papers), web-based platforms and social-media presence. IAHS set the international research agenda in hydrological sciences e.g. by running the Scientific Decades and by recognising scientific excellency with medals and awards. This voluntary work is organised by Association Officers, 10 International Commissions, who form the IAHS Bureau (see organogram below), as well as specific Working Groups.


The Presidents are the highest executive officers and the front figures for their appointment. The IAHS President is Chair of the Bureau.

The Secretaries are coordinating and managing the work tasks. The Secretary General is the main contact point for IAHS, coordinating the overall workflow, organising the programmes of assemblies and the IUGG contacts.

Each Commission has its own work plan and activities, including arranging and convening sessions at the Assemblies and specific events.

The Vice Presidents of the Association assist the President and the Secretary General, for instance with:

·        Outreach, community building, communication, and enhanced regional engagement.
·        Collaboration with UN organisations & partners, crew medal committees & provide awards.
·        Edition of the under-development Digital Water Globe, scientific edition of PIAHS, convening of sessions and events.

The officers of the IAHS Bureau and Commissions are elected every 4 years at the Administrative Plenary during the IUGG General Assembly. Countries which are IUGG members at the time, have one vote each.

Note that the HSJ is managed by the Editor-in-Chief, four Co-Editors and the Editorial Office at IAHS Ltd. The Editors, Treasurer and Chair of IAHS Ltd are appointed (not elected).   

Last Update July 2021

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