Results of the 2019 elections held during the IAHS Administrative Plenary on Tuesday 9th July. The Vice-President office will be held for the period 2019-2023. The President was elected in 2019, becoming President-Elect for two years, with a mandate of 2021-2025. In 2021 the President became Past-President and the President-Elect became President.
Past-PRESIDENTGünter Blöschl Austria |
Günter Blöschl, |
PRESIDENTBerit Arheimer Sweden |
Berit Arheimer |
SECRETARY GENERALChristophe Cudennec France |
Christophe Cudennec |
Honorary PRESIDENTDan Rosbjerg Denmark |
Dan Rosbjerg |
VICE- PRESIDENTSalvatore Grimaldi Italy |
Salvatore Grimaldi |
VICE- PRESIDENTPaola Passalacqua Italy / USA |
Paola Passalacqua |
VICE- PRESIDENTZongxue Xu China |
Zongxue Xu |
TreasurerKate Heal UK |
Kate Heal |
Attilio Castellarin |
Executive SecretaryClaire Lupton UK |
Claire Lupton |