The role of National Representatives
Countries which are members of IUGG may elect or appoint National Representatives to IAHS. The IAHS Statutes state that:
“The National Committees or the National Representatives shall disseminate information on the Association within their countries and shall solicit papers for symposia or for publication in the Hydrological Sciences Journal. National Committees shall be invited to present their views on hydrological and water resources research and on matters relating to the management of the Association to the Bureau and the Plenary Sessions, as a contribution to the discussion on future activities of the Association.”
National Representatives are encouraged to:
- Attend Administrative Plenaries of the Association where they, and only they, may vote to approve any changes in the Statutes and Bye Laws of the Association and elect officers of the Association and its Commissions;
- Nominate candidates for officers of the Association and its Commissions;
- Nominate candidates for the International Hydrology Prize and the Tison Award (Note, nominations can be made each year (deadline of 31 December) and candidates may be re-nominated in subsequent years;
- Appoint National Correspondents for IAHS Commissions and Working Groups;
- Make contact with individual members in their own country, in particular seeking links with young hydrologists; update the list by identifying members no longer active and by updating contact information – such information should be forwarded to the IAHS secretariat;
- Identify the IAHS Commissions and Working Groups of interest to individuals within their countries;
- Establish links with national and regional hydrological and water resources societies and associations inter alia in order to increase individual memberships in IAHS;
- Encourage others to become members of IAHS;
- Undertake joint activities with various national hydrological bodies;
- Identify national problems of international interest and link them to the appropriate Commissions and Working Groups;
- Establish national sub-groups on topics of local interest;
- Inform members of up-coming IAHS events:
- Establish links with National Representatives in other countries as appropriate.
Countries that are not members of IUGG are encouraged to appoint National Correspondents to IAHS who should undertake all the activities listed for National Representatives (above), but they do not have the rights to vote in the Association or its Commissions.
Countries not having IUGG membership should discuss the possibility of joining IUGG and establishing a National Committee for IUGG that would serve both IAHS and the local hydrological community.