2023 Election of Officers of IAHS – Application deadline 11 Jan 2023 (applications closed)
Next elections will be held in IUGG2023 in Berlin, 11-20 July, during the IAHS Plenary Administrative Session (exact date to be decided, between 12 and 16). Countries which are IUGG members at the time, have one vote each.
Note that the HSJ is managed by the Editor-in-Chief, four Co-Editors and the Editorial Office at IAHS Ltd. The Editors, Treasurer and Chair of IAHS Ltd are appointed (not elected).
The following roles are available for election (application by 11 Jan 2023):
- For the Association: President Elect (to become President after two years), 3 Vice Presidents, Secretary General
- For each of the ten International Commissions: President Elect (to become President after two years), 3 Vice Presidents, Secretary.
All hydrologists of the world participating in the work of the Association are entitled to stand as candidates for these positions, with the exception of the candidate for the President-Elect of the Association who shall be a citizen or resident of a country adhering to the Union.
The period of service for all officers except the Presidents (of the Association and of the Commissions), shall be the interval of four years between elections at two successive IUGG General Assemblies. The Presidents-Elect shall become Presidents, and the Presidents shall become immediate Past-Presidents, two years after the elections, at the intermediate Scientific Assembly.
The President and Vice-Presidents may not be elected to two successive terms of the same office. The Secretary General shall be eligible for re-election, but not for more than two additional terms.
Full details are described in the IAHS Statutes.
To become a candidate for an IAHS officer position, complete the Application Form and email it along with your résumé to your, or any, National Representative of an IUGG member country. Contacting actual Presidents of Commissions or the Secretary General is welcome to consolidate an application.
The Nomination Panel for 2023 elections is composed of Günter Blöschl (Chair), Paola Passalacqua and Zongxue Xu. National Representatives of IUGG member countries, the IAHS Bureau and Scientific Commissions shall send the applications to the Chair of the Panel, Günter Blöschl, not later than six months before the General Assembly (11 January 2023). On the basis of available nominations and in relation with Commissions’ actual officers, the Panel shall prepare a list of recommended candidates, seeking to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. The Panel may also choose to recommend all nominated candidates.
Voting on the list of candidates for both Association and Scientific Commission officers shall be by secret ballot during the Administrative Plenary at the IUGG General Assembly.
Voting in the Plenary Administrative Session shall be by countries, each country having one vote, with the provision that it has voting rights in IUGG at that time.
To be elected, each candidate must obtain a simple majority of votes. For those offices not filled in the first round of voting, a second round shall be held on the two highest ranking candidates of the first round.
In the case of a draw in the second round, the President shall decide.